How's Your Family?


Sunday, December 17, 2006


It official I'll B arriving in Nashville on Friday Dec. 29th around 10:55pm. I'll most likely need someone to pick me up then, and it would be cool if I could score some hospitality (aka free lodging) somewhere. When is everyone planning on going to Sewanee? I think Frank has agreed to take me back to Nashvegas on the 1st. I'll need to be there around 1:20pm to catch my flight. Prepare the waters kids, this one's gonna be a floater! Comments>Concerns?

Monday, December 11, 2006


What's up all? Just wanted to see if anyone will be in or going through Nashville on Friday night Dec. 29th as I'm planning to fly into Nashville and spend New Years with you cooks in Sewanee. Probably won't get in until 10 or 10:30. Please let me know if I can stay with/get a ride with one of you to Sewanee asap so I can order my tix. Frank has generously offered to take me to the airport on the 1st so no worries on that. In other news, I have reconnected with some old friends here and met some new ones the last few weeks which has been really good. Plenty of good philosophical discussions and there has been an unbelievable amount of syncronicity in my life the past few weeks. Has this been the case for anyone else? Feel free to elaborate if you can think of any. Although I don't know if this is a long term trend or not, I think it is stars oriented. Hope all is well wit you all. Good blogging lately. And, I'm looking forward to the resurgence of the Roblog, and hoping Frank gets going soon. Oh and I hope you like this wicked sunset I caught while camping early this fall, its title is Martian Landscape.