How's Your Family?


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What do you all think about these poems I wrote tonight.

Feeling you start to work your way inside

my mind and inner thoughts

Accessing the interior of my consciousness

Stepping around inside

Like a cave



The sunshine of fresh perspective

Differences overcome

In the eye of the beholders

Finding new things

Treasures from the other side

Moving forward

Plans made

Thoughts accepted

New patterns felt

Better lives with all in them


The ultimate giver, learner


Love blossoms inside like a hidden jewel

Waiting for a time to make its purpose known

When it shows you the secrets it offers

The meaning is then whole

Or you lose perspective

And find yourself in a hole

Lonely and alone

Searching for who you are

Is hard at any time

Only through relationships

Can you combine

And use talents for sublime

Enjoyment is first priority

Life should not be lived

Unless with friends loved

Connections both useful and helpful

For life and the world

It’s our goal but how does it unfold

To help or to hurt is in the eye of the beholder

Beyond our grasp

Tis better to burn out than to fade away

And love is better lived than lost

Here’s to the chase

That will likely be haste

And the taste of excitement

Of happiness found

Is the use of "eye of the beholder" contradictory in these poems. And more importantly, doesn't the last paragraph of the second sound like a proper toast.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want you to persoanlly tattoo the first one on my inner thigh.

the second one-- there's a band i know of in sewanee, tick jerky, that could sing that one real nice.

8:01 AM  

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