How's Your Family?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's weird how getting things out of your system open up perspective. On that note.

Psyco Bitches

I had been trying to bring some amorous relationships into my life, nothing serious just some fun. My interest in the occult let me to expect that if I put my energy and focus and will on making this happen it would be reflected to me. But, I had to remember to be myself, because you can’t let relationships change you; and magic is all about intention and knowledge of self and putting yourself in situations that reflect you. I had learned that lesson in my relationship with my ex-girlfriend and was drinking a lot to make up for it. I thought I just had to bring them to me but good women are hard to find, especially in a town like Creede with so many types. You had to have some kind of in to fit into certain groups and the group of longhairs like me was overpopulated. It definately gave me an idea of the opportunities for aging male hippies. Fishing, music, and art were the keyholes and at some point not so appealing.

So I decided to go up to Tommies to see Flumewater and see if I couldn’t find a touista to party with. I walked into Tommies and it was about half full and a good female to male ratio which had been unlikely in the few weeks before. There was one chick wearing cycling tights dancing around drunk as hell. She was a blond with a banging tan and a pretty nice body. She was dancing with a wasted local Dennis, who looks like he belongs on the local stock car circuit. I was liking my odds. I was a mountain and road biker and had worked in bike shops since I was 15. I talked her up and down, and danced drunken and awkwardly as is my nature. When the lights went low I asked her where she was staying and she replied that she was camping. I asked her if she wanted to stay with me and told her we’d have to walk a few blocks.

She complied and we started our two block journey back to the Halfway. Around halfway to the halfway she grabbed me and tried to kiss me, I almost fell over out of drunkenness and when I leaned in for the kiss she bit my lip. I told her we were a few blocks away and she started to complain that it was too far, and that she just wanted to go back and camp. I said alright, and leaned in for another goodnight kiss, when she bit my lip the second time, she asked me if I smoked cigarettes. I told her “yea”, and that sealed the deal, she walked herself home. At this point I'm wondering why I even give a shit about relationships, and whether cigarettes are bad for me. I went back to the Halfway House, told my story, and after some ribbing set out on my mountain bike to try to find her. I didn’t find her but I found Dennis walking some wasted chick home, and I asked them if they knew where she went, they didn’t but it turned out she was camping in their yard. I didn’t find her and that’s probably for the better.

Fish Fry

A couple of days later I went fishing with Jim down at Middle Creek. We both caught fish. I caught my first small brown trout. As we were beginning to pack up our stuff a forest ranger truck rolled up, and I began to get a little nervous because I didn’t have a fishing licence. Brent got out of the truck and began to question Jim. Jim had multiple warrants out for his arrest, on identity theft charges for one, because he gave a cop his brother’s ID when he was pulled over for drunken driving. The ranger took a look at Jim’s licence and asked for mine. I told him that I didn’t have one and he asked me if I had been fishing. I told him that I had thrown some line and he told me he’d have to write me a $68 ticket. He gave me the ticket and told me that I’d have to get new plates and a new drivers licence and plates if I were going to stay in Colorado. That was the most expensive fish I caught in Creede, a $68 9 inch brown.

Nice one!

Caught my first fish of the season today. 4in brookie. Been seeing Mary Catherine Jones as of late. She used to hang at the house a bit in the day, in the Kate Mange crowd.

diggin it, summer is coming!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

banging tan
that's a good band name. can i get in on that one?

8:06 AM  
Blogger lex dexter said...

oh my god this is the best blog post in the history of my life, bishop.

4:13 PM  
Blogger lex dexter said...

beeshop, email me at pattyjoetweeter gmail.

i tried to phone you and got some guy named kevin. he seemed nice, but i need to talk to YOU.

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick-- what should the SuperSonics be named in OK City?

9:54 AM  
Blogger prison guard said...

Choice 1: The Okie Noodlers
Choice 2: The Dirt Farmers
Choice 3: The Commie Bastards
Choice 4: The Pinko Sonsobitches
Choice 5: The Chesapeake Allstars

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm reaaal late in coming to this. But man, was it good.

7:24 PM  
Blogger lex dexter said...

we need more bleeping bish-blog!

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, I could really read some more of these lurid short stories.

6:47 PM  
Blogger lex dexter said...

bring it on, john!

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More blog!
More blog!
More blog!
More blog!
More blog!

9:34 AM  
Blogger Car Carpet said...

coming to boulder in july

11:25 AM  
Blogger prison guard said...

Yes!!!!!! Should b really nice round then.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

What ever happened to this site? BTW, my best to MKJ.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous andrew said...

how bout an annual post, Bish?

12:21 PM  

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